Who is Responsible for Poverty and Unemployment in Africa?

In Africa, according to the World Bank, almost 60% of the youths are jobless. The World Bank’s report also shows that a large population in most African developing countries are living in less than $1.90 a day. In other words, poverty and unemployment are still major challenging factors contributing to underdevelopment in Africa. This callsContinueContinue reading “Who is Responsible for Poverty and Unemployment in Africa?”

Curbing Unemployment and Poverty in Africa—Getting the Youths Talk

One of the major areas that FOBDA is concentrating in trying to reduce cases of unemployment and poverty in Africa is to help the youths realise that they are part of the cause of these problems. FOBDA believes that if the youths can shift their mindsets on employment dependency to business creation, Africa by 2040ContinueContinue reading “Curbing Unemployment and Poverty in Africa—Getting the Youths Talk”

Congratulations to FOBDA Board

For more than 5 years, FOBDA has been dedicated to teaching the youths in Africa about entrepreneurship as a way of reducing cases of unemployment and poverty. Since we started our work, we discovered that the youths need serious help to change their mindsets from being job seekers to job creators. FOBDA believes that itContinueContinue reading “Congratulations to FOBDA Board”

Change Starts Today—Simon Maanda

Studying entrepreneurship made me hate being a job seeker. It only taught me how to be creative, innovative, and think about myself and my community. Knowing what entrepreneurs do leave me with a struggle in my mind of either to be a job creator or working for job creators. Foundation for Business Development in AfricaContinueContinue reading “Change Starts Today—Simon Maanda”

FOBDA Marks the beginning of my success: Promisse Ihimbazwe

My Name is IHIMBAZWE PROMESSE, I’m from Rwanda, I come to know FOBDA early in 2019, I’m so excited to be part of it, and to give my hands in changing Africa. It’s been my dream since I was young, to contribute to anything I can help to raise my mother land Africa. This isContinueContinue reading “FOBDA Marks the beginning of my success: Promisse Ihimbazwe”


There is a saying, “you cannot straighten a bent sweet potato when it is old” basically the saying implies that it is hard to change an older person’s mindset or give a new direction, for he or she will be resistant to adopt it. Stallone grew up with that mindset and affected him so greatly.ContinueContinue reading “FOBDA REVOLUTIONISED MY THINKING”

I am Fully Motivated by FOBDA: Bonolo Goitsemang

Being an independent person is something that has always been driving me as a person. In my growing up as a young man, I had told myself not to be dependent on employment or government for income. I lacked motivation in my endeavor because I had no one to inspire me about my dream soContinueContinue reading “I am Fully Motivated by FOBDA: Bonolo Goitsemang”


Success involve many challenging tasks on the way. It is unfortunate that people think those who are successful passed through soft life. But the reality is that not many of our friends, neighbours, relatives in our African context will be happy with the vision you see about yourself. They make sure they press hard andContinueContinue reading “IT TAKES YOUR HARDWORKING SPIRIT TO REACH WHERE YOU WANT TO BE”

Unemployment and Poverty in Africa doesn’t please us

It is always fascinating to see young Africans starving economically yet they have skills and knowledge on how to do certain tasks and succeed in life. Foundation for Business Development in Africa as agents of change, teach people especially the youth on business development and leadership skills as one way of reducing unemployment level inContinueContinue reading “Unemployment and Poverty in Africa doesn’t please us”

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